IT IS FINISHED! The walking that is :) And my 40’s!
IT IS FINISHED – Post Camino reflections from a Benedictine monastary on a Spanish island off the coast of Western Sahara, Africa. On November 30th, 1966, a young teenager gave Continue Reading →
“Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.” DESIDERATA Aside from hearing myself subconsciously whisper “Oh God” as I stood weeping at the foot of the Iron Cross (Cruz de Continue Reading →
MY CONFESSION(s): I’m actually proud of myself – shhhh! / I think I’ve had a breakthrough – shhhh! / I think my ego and my inability to self forgive are connected – shhhhITE!
Sitting at a short table near my short bed in a small room with short ceilings, short doorways and narrow windows on the top floor of a former Benedictine monastery Continue Reading →
MY CONFESSION(s): I’ve screwed up every relationship I’ve had / I like dicks / I like my darkness / I heard myself whisper to God / I made 3 wishes, they came true, I still don’t believe
(Delayed due to lack of internet in the mountains. This also means that I only recently found out who won the American election. I am blessed!) Three months ago on Continue Reading →
MY CONFESSION(s): *This is my first letter to my mom – ever / I suck at praying
Dear Mom, Wow. It feels weird writing that. Even when I ran away to California at 17 I never wrote you back, so I don’t think I’ve ever written the Continue Reading →
MY CONFESSION(s): I’m a high school dropout who still has problems comprehending what I read and writing what I think / I find it hard to congratulate myself for anything / I still hate myself for treating my mom the way I did
FROM SOMEWHERE ON THE CAMINO… I DID IT! ONE MONTH OF SILENCE!! (yesterday) While walking the last 450 KM’s carrying a 30 pound backpack of temporal attachments as the seasons Continue Reading →
MY CONFESSION(s): I slept on a park bench like a sketchy homeless dude / I’m a sexist, judgemental jerk / I have become a grouch because I throw like a girl
St. Jean Pied du Port, France September 30, 2016 Since I wrecked myself the night before, the sleep was rough and the morning rougher. Why do people continuously party with Continue Reading →
MY CONFESSION(s): I cry too much / I miss Jesus / I drink too much
September 25th, 2016 – The Journey ACTUALLY Begins. (First day of three silent months.) Today is D-DAY. I depart for the biggest trip of my life! Introspective. That’s how the Continue Reading →
My apologies for the delay. Between walking all day then finding a hostel to stay in then unpacking then washing clothes from that day so they can dry out the Continue Reading →
SACRED SILENCE TRAINING DAY #24 (last one – then it begins!)
This will be my last “Training Day” post. One week from today, I’ll be in Paris and will have already begun my three months of silence. I’ll continue to write Continue Reading →